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Installing Dkms On Centos 7

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Download dkms-2.7.1-1.el7.noarch.rpm for CentOS 7 from EPEL repository. Hi there, I've been trying to install without success the official Nvidia drivers on a fresh install of centos. I looked around the web and followed the installation guides but I can't get it to work: I downloaded the drivers from the Nvidia website updated yum and installed prerequisites: yum groupinstall 'Development Tools' yum install kernel-devel epel-release yum install dkms. We will be discussing on how to install and configure virtualization in detail. Lets prepare CentOS Minimal server to host virtual machines that is accessible over HTTP by installing following packages. Install VirtualBox prerequisite packages # yum install gcc make glibc kernel-headers kernel-devel dkms Install VirtualBox.

– Dynamic Kernel Module Support (DKMS) is a framework used to generate Linuxkernel modules whose sources do not generally reside in the Linux kernelsource tree. DKMS enables kerneldevice drivers to be automatically rebuilt when a new kernel is installed.
– An essential feature of DKMS is that it automatically recompiles all DKMS modules if a new kernel version is installed. This allows drivers and devices outside of the mainline kernel to continue working after a Linux kernel upgrade.
– Another benefit of DKMS is that it allows the installation of a new driver on an existing system, running an arbitrary kernel version, without any need for manual compilation or precompiled packages provided by the vendor.
– DKMS was written by the Linux Engineering Team at Dell in 2003. It is included in many distributions, such as Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora, and SuSE. DKMS is free software released under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) v2 or later.
– DKMS supports both the RPM and DEB package formats out-of-the-box. (from Wikipedia)


I was trying to install guest additions on my Centos operating system but faced a lot of problems. Though the idea was very simple as all you have to do was to install DKMS package on your centos operating system and run the install virtual box guest additions setup, but the main problem is that dkms package is not available on your centos, it is a third party repository. So I believe there are a lot of new users who face this issue (I being one of them).

Following steps will help in installing guest additions on your centos.

Installing dkms on centos 7 32-bit

Step1: update everything( though not really required but still I took this step 1st)

Step2: make a directory rpm using the following commands and go in that directory and download the rpm package from this link or goto and download the appropriate package.

$ wget
$ rpm -i rpmforge-release-0.5.2-2.el5.rf.*.rpm
$ yum install htop

now if you get an error something like this

Installing Dkms On Centos 7 6

rpmlib(FileDigests) <= 4.6.0-1 is needed by rpmforge-release-0.5.2-2.el6.rf.i686
rpmlib(PayloadIsXz) <= 5.2-1 is needed by rpmforge-release-0.5.2-2.el6.rf.i686

That means you have installed your centos virtual machine from cloudera which is centos5 and you have downloaded rpm package for centos6 so all you have to do is to change that package and download package for centos5. You can also check if you are running a 32 bit machine or a 64 bit machine as there are two packages one is for 32 bit machine and the other for 64 bit. To check which machine you are running just type the following command

if you get i386 or i686 that means you are running 32 bit machine and if you get x86_64 that means you are running a 64 bit machine.

Step3. Install kernel-devel


Step4. So almost everything is done and you are ready to install dkms package

if everything goes fine dkms package will install successfully, without any issues.

Step5. This will be the final step

Insert VboxGuestAdditions.iso and go to the folder which will be probably in


Install Virtualbox 6.1 On Centos 7


I was trying to install guest additions on my Centos operating system but faced a lot of problems. Though the idea was very simple as all you have to do was to install DKMS package on your centos operating system and run the install virtual box guest additions setup, but the main problem is that dkms package is not available on your centos, it is a third party repository. So I believe there are a lot of new users who face this issue (I being one of them).

Following steps will help in installing guest additions on your centos.

Step1: update everything( though not really required but still I took this step 1st)

Step2: make a directory rpm using the following commands and go in that directory and download the rpm package from this link or goto and download the appropriate package.

$ wget
$ rpm -i rpmforge-release-0.5.2-2.el5.rf.*.rpm
$ yum install htop

now if you get an error something like this

Installing Dkms On Centos 7 6

rpmlib(FileDigests) <= 4.6.0-1 is needed by rpmforge-release-0.5.2-2.el6.rf.i686
rpmlib(PayloadIsXz) <= 5.2-1 is needed by rpmforge-release-0.5.2-2.el6.rf.i686

That means you have installed your centos virtual machine from cloudera which is centos5 and you have downloaded rpm package for centos6 so all you have to do is to change that package and download package for centos5. You can also check if you are running a 32 bit machine or a 64 bit machine as there are two packages one is for 32 bit machine and the other for 64 bit. To check which machine you are running just type the following command

if you get i386 or i686 that means you are running 32 bit machine and if you get x86_64 that means you are running a 64 bit machine.

Step3. Install kernel-devel

Step4. So almost everything is done and you are ready to install dkms package

if everything goes fine dkms package will install successfully, without any issues.

Step5. This will be the final step

Insert VboxGuestAdditions.iso and go to the folder which will be probably in


Install Virtualbox 6.1 On Centos 7

Install Mate On Centos 7

and run the following command

This will successfully install Guest Additions on Centos.

By: Saad

Quick not note for those not familiar with the CentOS 7 peculiarity and especially the repository peculiarity.
Receiving the follwoing error:

It means you need a package (or meta-package, which might pull multiple packages and dependencies offering a big framework, for example), which could not be found in the existing repositories. In this very case, we need the DKMS (Dynamic Kernel Module Support) –

Installing Dkms On Centos 7 Mac

The DKMS is offered in epel repository and it could not be found in the CentOS 7 official repositories. Just add the epel repository.

Install Virtualbox Additions On Centos 7 Guest Vm

And rerun your first install yum line. Now you won't receive the DKMS error.

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